Learn more about the Seating Zone feature in Worksphere.

The Seating Zone feature allows you to designate areas or sets in your office, or on your office floors, to specific departments, teams, or individuals based on capacity. This feature allows you to: 

  • Seat teams or cohorts together, while being mindful of the available space per team. 
  • Limit capacity by % or total number of individuals allowed in each Zone.
  • View and download reports on Zone utilization to better understand how your office is being used. 

To learn how to set up Seating Zones, click here.

What should I name my Seating Zones? 

Choose zone names that make sense. The following are some common Zone naming conventions that our clients use: 

  • Team or Department groupings (i.e. Finance, Engineering, Sales)
  • Work styles or job functions (i.e. Focus Zone, Interactive Zone, Client Call Zone) 
  • Areas of your office (i.e. CEO Office, Office 345, North Pod J) 

You can either include the word "Zone" "Pod" or "Neighborhood" in the title, or omit it. It's up to you. Your employees will see the Zone name on any seating assignment. 

How Seating Zones Work

  • You can group seats into Zones by 'Organizing Seats' on each floor of your Office Location.

  • Using Zones to limit capacity
    • You can set capacity limits by office location, floor, or zone.
    • For example, if you have an office with 2 assigned seats but want to limit the office space to only 1 employee at a time, you can set the limited capacity of that space to 50%.

  • Using Zones to assign access to flexible seats 
    • Zones are automatically set as accessible to All Employees if there are flexible seats in the zone. If a Zone only has assigned seats, only employees with assigned seats in the zone will be able to book those seats. 
    • You can also limit access to Zones to teams, departments, or individuals. Note that team, department, and employee names must be uploaded into Worksphere before setting Zone access. (See article on Adding Employees
    • When an employee that does not have an assigned seat creates a schedule, they will receive a flexible desk assignment in the Zone that they are assigned to or where they have access.
    • If the employee chooses to change their seat assignment, they will only be able to choose a seat in the Zone to which they're assigned, or a Zone that is open for any employee to reserve.

Important Notes

  • Zones cannot be nested within each other.
  • If teams, departments or employees have access to multiple Zones, auto-assigning will randomly pick from seats available in those Zones without priority.
  • Seating zones are office location specific, and groups must be assigned at the office location level.